Versi Indonesia
Dormitory : Tipe kamar yang ada dan
disediakan di hostel. Dormitory diisi 4 sampai 10 orang dalam ruangan yang
sama. Dormitory sangat terkenal di
kalangan backpacker karena harganya lebih murah .
Reserved : Produk ataupun jasa yang
telah dipesan sebelumnya dan juga telah disetujui.
Panorama : Pemandangan alam yang luas
dan bebas yang biasanya dikunjungi oleh wisatawan.
Diving : Kegiatan menyelam di dalam laut
untuk melihat keindahan bawah laut.
Darmawisata : Perjalanan atau kunjungan
singkat dengan tujuan bersenag-senang, sambil mengenal baik objek wisata dan
Pesawat : Alat transportasi udara yang
biasanya digunakan untuk berwisata dari suatu Negara ke suatu Negara lainnya.
Pakansi : Sejenis liburan akhir pekan
yang digunakan untuk menghabiskan waktu liburan.
Pariwisata Bahari : Aktivitas wisata
yang telah lama di kembangkan sebagai Tour Destination Object di kepulauan
Bus : Alat berkendara yang biasanya
digunakan ssat berwisata untuk sekedar melihat alam sekitar di suatu tempat wisata.
Sunglasses : alat untuk melindungi mata
dari sinar cahaya matahari saat berwisata.
Versi Inggris
1 . Dormitory is type of rooms available and are provided in the hostel . Dormitory filled 4 to 10 people in the same room . Dormitory is very famous among backpackers as it is cheaper
2 . Reserved is products or services that have been ordered in advance and approved
3 . Panorama is view extensive natural and free are usually visited by tourists
4 . Diving is diving activities in the sea to see the beauty beneath the sea
5 . Excursions is a short trip or visit with your pleasure purposes , while knowing both attraction and environment
6 . Aircraft is air Transport equipment normally used to travel from one State to another State .
7 . Pakansi is a kind of used the holiday weekend to spend vacation time
8 . Marine tourism is tourist activities that have long been developed as a Tour Destination Object in Wakatobi archipelago
9 . Bus is driving tool which is usually used when traveling to just look around in a natural tourist spot
10 . Sunglasses is a tool for protecting the eyes from sun rays when traveling
Versi Inggris
1 . Dormitory is type of rooms available and are provided in the hostel . Dormitory filled 4 to 10 people in the same room . Dormitory is very famous among backpackers as it is cheaper
2 . Reserved is products or services that have been ordered in advance and approved
3 . Panorama is view extensive natural and free are usually visited by tourists
4 . Diving is diving activities in the sea to see the beauty beneath the sea
5 . Excursions is a short trip or visit with your pleasure purposes , while knowing both attraction and environment
6 . Aircraft is air Transport equipment normally used to travel from one State to another State .
7 . Pakansi is a kind of used the holiday weekend to spend vacation time
8 . Marine tourism is tourist activities that have long been developed as a Tour Destination Object in Wakatobi archipelago
9 . Bus is driving tool which is usually used when traveling to just look around in a natural tourist spot
10 . Sunglasses is a tool for protecting the eyes from sun rays when traveling
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