Words such as information and persuasion seem simple.However, there are two words that characterize the process ofpersonal communication. Information means to tell what is meantby the Announcer or communicator in this matter represented by the "ad" to indicate the relationship line between someone whowants sell to someone another who needs the product. Keyadvertising just found on the sophistication of information to formulate it (How to market, and anyone in need).
Persuasion, in the communication process is needed because the information transfer activity must contain attraction and inspirea certain feeling.
2) Control of information
Because information about a particular product and distributedthrough mass of media is open, then before input to theinformation media must take certain steps. May include the content, use of time, space, and purpose of the target audience.
3) mass of Media Communication
Differences ad * with other marketing communicationstechniques is in terms of impersonal communication. The point isthere advertising in the communication path of communicationbetween the advertiser or sponsor with the manufacturer's advertising services.
source : http://wisnvkanzaki.blogspot.com/
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