Minggu, 13 Juli 2014

Kalimat dari Kata Kesepadanan 3

1.       In every seller  have some affiliate marketing that  is different.
2.       Accountant always work in their field, that is about finance.
3.       Every entrepreneurs that take their different way always be success, mostly of them.
4.       Many company have bankrupted, can be got up again and will be successful.
5.       Some people want to benefit especially to seller with their things that their ell.
6.       If want to buy something, ensure you have seen the price list so you won’t be shock.
7.       The chief executive officer of MNC is Harry Tanoesoedibyo.
8.       If want to be a management, you should take that faculty.
9.       There’s a supervisor in every shop store that is responsible.

10.   If want to buy something with credit way, you should give the guarantee that forms down payment.

Kalimat dari Kata Kesepadanan 4

1.       Indonesia importing soy bean from America
2.       Textile factory need many labor to do their work.
3.       The manager of the company lead the company with his full responsibility
4.       Time is money for some businesspeople.
5.        The company need more budget for making a new product.
6.       They buy the holdings to win the tender.
7.       This shop have so many consumer that buy their product
8.       The cost of one advertisement is $1000
9.       The currency of rupiah is decrease
10.   Brazil export their coffee seed to all over the world

Senin, 30 Juni 2014

Kata kesepadanan 4

1.       Impor                    :               Import
2.       Tenaga Kerja      :               Labor
3.       Memimpin          :               Lead
4.       Uang                     :               Money
5.       Anggaran             :               Budget
6.       Membeli              :               Buy
7.       Konsumen          :               Consumer
8.       Biaya                     :               Cost
9.       Mata Uang          :               Currency

10.   Ekspor                  :               Export

Kata kesepadaan 3

1.         Affiliate Marketing                        :               Teknik, Cara-cara Menjual Produk dan Jasa
2.       Accountant                                         :               Ahli Akuntasi
3.       Entrepreneurs                                  :               Wirausaha
4.       Bankrupt                                             :               Bangkrut
5.        Benefits                                              :               Laba
6.       Price List                                              :               Daftar Harga
7.       CEO (Chief Executive Officer)     :               Pemilik Jabatan Eksekutive Tertingigi
8.       Management                                    :               Manajemen
9.       Supervisor                                          :               Penyedia

10.   Down Payment                                                 :               Uang Muka

Curriculum vitae

Personal Details
Full Name
Sri Wahyuni Wulandari                                                                              
Jl. Raya Tanjung Barat No. 35A RT. 014/008, Pejaten Timur,
Pasar Minggu, Jakarta  Selatan 12510
Place, Date of Birth
Klaten, August 5, 1993
165 cm
Marital Status
  55 kg
Contact Number
087788119999 / 085716601111


Educational Background


Elementary School
Elementary School No. 3, Kaligayam
1999 - 2005
Junior High School
Muhammadiyah Junior High School No. 7, Bayat
2005 - 2008
Senior High School
Senior High School No. 3, Klaten
2008 - 2011
English Literature Department at Gunadarma University, Depok
2011 - Now

Organization Experience / Course



Traditional Dance
Traditional Dance Studio, Bayat
2008 - 2009 
English speaking
Gama English Course, Klaten
2008 - 2009
UN Tutor
Primagama, Klaten
2010 - 2011

ü  Current use Ms. Office application, C ++.
ü  Be familiar with the internet.
ü  Active in English Language.
ü  A hard worker, discipline, and be able to work in under pressure.

This is to state that above information is true and provided here by me, all in good faith.
Sincerely yours,
      ( Sri Wahyuni Wulandari )

Interview 4

President  Director       : Morning, today we held a meeting to talk about our latest product launch event is the Toyota Avalon.
Marketing Manager      : Of course we should hold a big launch party for our newest production of the famous car in the market, and so many are interested in buying.
Sales Manager              : The car we have equal privileges with luxury cars, that cost could be two times more expensive. Not only has a very powerful performance, but also very quiet cabin, as well as very easy and comfortable when driving. So that people will be interested in this car.
President  Director       : Our market share for this car is the middle and upper segments. Since the price that we offer starting from Rp. 450 000 000, -
Marketing Manager      : Better for consumers who buy this car at the time of launching, we give 20% discount. And we offer attractive merchandise.
Sales Manager              : Where we will be holding it launching? We need a large room and a strategic location.
President  Director: I think we could have it at Jakarta International Expo (PRJ). The place was always crowded with people and we must utilize in the launch festivities PRJ our new car this time.
Marketing Manager      : when the exact date for launching such we hold?
Sales Manager              : I propose the end of June due to be launched as soon as we entered it.
President  Director       : My suggestion, what if the weekend the first week in July? so that all can be well prepared.
Marketing Manager      : I agree with President  Director. any event to be held to support the activities of our latest product launch?
Sales Manager              : I have an idea, why do not we invent entertainment events?
Marketing Manager      : Entertainment events such as what will we invent?
President  Director: We'll bring in guest stars to enliven the event as well as icons for launching our latest cars.
Sales Manager              : Is there any input on who the artist who fits into this car icon? This must be a car icon that elegantly in accordance with this car.
Marketing Manager      : What if we hook Agnes to become an icon? He will also appear to enliven the event by donating his voice.
President  Director       : We must invite businessmen and journalists to this event for this car can be covered and published in the media.
Sales Manager              : Well, by the way how we are targeting sales of new cars in the first month?  With the launching of our big event, the public will be interested in our car and I'm targeting 100 units of cars in the first month
Marketing Manager      : My target of 150 units we can achieve.
President  Director       : I agree with Ismi, we are targeting 150 units of cars.
we must work hard to be the first month of sales in one day can exceed the target.
Well, I guess our meeting today was.
Marketing Manager      : Bye, good luck for our launching event.

Source                        :           http://janataelma.blogspot.com/2011/06/example-of-english-conversation-about_28.html